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Moving back into reality after vacation takes a lot out of you. It takes a whole lot out of you if you were stupid enough to schedule about a million different things on top of the regular things on the week that you return. Next year, I think that I am pretending that I am on vacation for two weeks, just so that the readjustment week isn’t quite so horrendous–and so tiring.



I have finally had a chance to look back at some of the pictures that I took while we were away and they remind me of how much fun we had and have made the craziness of this week a tad more bearable.


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Last night I was a little sad and feeling sorry for myself. A bit of tearful self-pity. Nothing like a house full of sick people to smack one right back into reality. Husband and middle son have been up all night, sick to their stomachs with the runs. We thought we were being so careful to avoid the swine flu that is making its way through the school that the good old stomach flu just snuck up and bit them in the butt. First thoughts were some type of food poisoning but since that doesn’t seem to be ringing true, we are stuck with the stomach flu theory. I have been up and down most of the night and no offense, but men are pretty bad when they are sick. Hopefully, the two of them recuperate quickly and no one else falls.

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There have to be 5 things even on a really bad day.

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