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Tim is headed off to Hinesburg Saturday for the Vermont Odyssey State competition. Fingers crossed, he and his team who have worked super hard on their project will do well.

In the spirit of Odyssey which is proud to call upon dumpster diving for its props and limits the teams to how much they can spend, here is a video released by Ok Go which uses a lot of stuff the band acquired through flea markets and garage sales to put together an awesome Rube Goldberg type machine that goes along with their song. The video, most amazingly was shot with one continuous camera and no editing. The band said that it took about 60 tries to get it right, but wow is it worth the effort. Below the video is a link to an article on Wired’s website which explains how it was done and shows some behind the scenes video clips.

How Ok Go’s Amazing Rube Goldberg Machine was Built

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