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Sometimes you come across a bit of news that makes you think — what were they thinking?

Here in Vermont evidently the prisoners were tasked with the job of printing up the new decals for the State Police vehicles. The decals which are printed in the Department of Corrections print shop were noticed recently to contain a slight deviation in the design that contains a cow in a field.

Here is the original design:

One of the inmates thought he or she would insert a little of their own artistic flair to the decals. If one looks carefully, one of the spots on the cow has been revamped to represent the shape of a pig, as noted below. Needless to say the troopers are not happy at the derogatory police referenced inserted on the 16 inch door decals. Some of the decals have already been placed on vehicles. New decals are being printed and will replaced the altered images. Someone, I gather, is not in good graces and their artistic rights may very well be revoked.


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